Yesterday I received a wonderful message from a fellow full-time RVer and he was right in what he told me.
Don't worry about the market being down and not making as much money on the house as we would have last year. Instead we should celebrate that it sold in 30-days and has fit exactly into our time schedule. She is right on!
We are truly grateful that it sold so fast. In fact, this Sunday, November 30th, we're moving into our new roving home with our two Chihuahuas, Capt. Jack & Jesse James. I'll include a photo of both as soon as Jesse (who looks like a snow cone with his big collar on to keep him from licking his stitches after being neutered) is back to normal. He also had four baby teeth removed but he is taking it like a champ.
Yesterday we rented a uhaul truck and moved stuff out of storage to begin the next phase of our new-life-transition... the estate sale. As I said before, our children took what they wanted from our household items, so now it's time to sell what's left. We are getting really excited now.
Plus as Bob was cleaning out the attic and the storage shed in the back yard he found about 10 boxes of old tax returns so I'll be doing a lot of shredding... again. I paid my 8-year-old granddaughter, Corynn, to help me last time. I wish she was here now -- I could use her help.
First I have client work I must attend to, then I'll continue on with our preparations. We have our lot in a nearby RV park ready to move into.
For Thanksgiving weekend we'll be getting all the final touchups done on the RV. It needs to be thoroughly cleaned inside and out. Bob has a handy pressure washer so he'll be cleaning the rig from roof to tires while we can hook up to our own water... still. Weather permitting of course.
We've also been busy getting all of the medical check-ups and procedures done so when we hit the road we don't have to tend to these interruptions for a while. Our new life involves starting a new job together (which I'll go into to detail about more later) and we will probably be very busy traveling and learning starting in February.
For this Thanksgiving we truly have much to be thankful for. We are healthy and we have our two precious traveling companions, and we have each other. Life is good.
Till next time,
Vicky & Bob Heron (Capt. Jack & Jesse James)
How to work & live wherever and whenever you choose!