Thursday, February 5, 2009

We can't believe it's finally here...

Retirement -- Bob's!

Actually, it's more like semi-retirement since we will be working some of the time. At least we will be living our dream lifestyle, traveling in our RV to places we have not been to before... all over the country. And our so-called "work" will be in the camping & RV industry. So life is good.

Yesterday was Bob's retirement party at work. He looked so happy. Lots of people showed up to wish him well and were sad to see him go. I know his shoes will be big shoes to fill. And tomorrow is his last day. I wonder if he'll smash the alarm clock???

A few last touches to the RV, lunch with a few friends before we go and in a few more days we'll be embarking on our new life adventures.

Of course, the sales and marketing skills I've used in my own business for the last decade have enabled us to land the type of work we'll be doing and the ability to make good money doing it. We'll update you more about all of this as we get on the road.

Over dinner tonight Bob and I were talking and both of us agree... the last 8 months have not been for the faint of heart! Getting the house ready to sell, getting rid of almost everything we owned, and finding a place for everything in the RV has been a huge undertaking. Thankfully, it's all gone pretty smoothly.

The last minute details have us in a tizzy right now. Doing things like getting new health insurance lined up, several months worth of prescriptions on hand so we don't run out, getting the mailing issues straightened out, brakes installed on the tow dolly, and loose ends like that are keeping us hopping. But we'll get through it.

You know it's so much different now. We're not going on a 2-week vacation. We may be gone from our home base for several months at a time. We've made many shifts in our thinking and continue to do more every day. It certainly is a new way of life. Shouldn't be boring!

Soon we'll be singing that Willy Nelson song -- "On The Road Again!"

Till next time,

Vicky & Bob Heron (Capt. Jack & Jesse James)
How to work & live wherever and whenever you choose!

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