Before I continue... just what is a snowbird? You see, my parents decided 22 years ago to keep the old homestead, our family farm in Illinois. But, they hate staying there in the winter months. As a matter of fact, many seniors and retired people living in the northern "cold winter weather" states are affected by this affliction.
The cure is to get in the RV and head south... to Arizona, Florida, or South Texas.
My parents went to Yuma, Arizona 22 years ago and have never looked back. Every year in late October or early November they pack up their home on wheels and go "on the road again." To Yuma. They love it there. Mom plays her keyboard and sings in "jam sessions" with other musicians. Dad just loves to listen to her work her magic!
Then in late March, or early April, they get the itch to come back home to roost. And there they stay until they repeat the whole process. We joined them for the trip to Yuma last year and was bitten by the RVing bug!
I'd say if there was a golden era of retiring in an RV it was the last 20 years. Before gas went up to $3.00 and $4.00 a gallon. Before pensions were lost (for whatever reasons). Before social security was in jeaopardy. Before RV park lot rent exceeded lot rent in a mobile home park.
So what are boomers to do about going on the road in an RV and driving blissfully off into the sunset? I'm glad you asked...
Before I answer that question, I'd like to share with you a trend I'm starting to see. People in their 20s, 30s, and 40s are deciding they want to experience the RV lifestyle too. With cell phones, wireless Internet, and home schooling, any couple or family with children can enjoy the traveling lifestyle. As a result, it is exploding.
The solution to all of these scenarios is to work as you travel. There are all kinds of jobs. Many are explained in the books you can buy explaining the full-time RV lifestyle.
One in particular sounded very appealing to us. And we found it quite by accident. You see, before we put the house on the market, we needed to find a place to park the RV. We needed it to be close since Bob is not retired yet.
While we were searching for the right RV park to move into, we found a great way to pay for our retirement and travels. I'll tell you all about it in my next post. Until then...
Enjoy life, work, and traveling,
Vicky & Bob Heron (& Capt. Jack)
How to work & live wherever and whenever you choose!
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