I've adjusted to the altitude. Interesting thing happened to me today. I was at a local store getting some of the Zero Powerade that Bob and I are gulping down. They had a great sale on it! I told the clerk that I have to drink a lot of water & powerade to keep hydrated or I get a headache and tired. She said everyone who lives there has to keep well hydrated because the air is thinner and drier. You lose body fluid faster.
Finally, an answer that makes sense about why people get altitude sickness. I also have to limit my intake of coffee and alcohol. I did finally have a glass of vino tonight!
Went to the Bar-M-Chuckwagon cowboy show and supper last weekend and it was a real treat. The gunfight was entertaining and the food was good. But the entertainment show afterwards was outstanding. The head wrangler, Alan Brown and his wife Valerie can really sing!
You see, Alan used to be in the group Up With People. I was so suprised when they said that. I used to have a best friend from Tucson, Angie Darzes, who also spent some time traveling and performing with Up With People.
Anyway, Alan & Valerie met in Nashville, of course they were singing. They also have a steel guitar player in the band. You just can't beat the sound of a well played steel guitar to blend it all together.
Also been to Hole n'' The Rock. It's a 5000 sq. ft. house chiseled and blasted out of a big, red sandstone rock. If you go to Moab, Utah, these are two places you must visit.
Next week we're going to golf at the Moab Golf Club. It will be Bob's first time so I'll have to give him some instruction. We're going on Wednesday because it's less busy. I have my clubs with me but we've not bought Bob any yet so he'll rent a set of left-handed clubs. I can't wait.
The weather is perfect this time of year. Cool to cold (40s-50s) at night and 70s-80s during the day. I'm loving it. The two little Chihuahuas, Jesse & Jack would like it a bit warmer though.
Time to turn in. Have a lot of stops and calls to do tomorrow.
Happy trails,
Vicky & Bob Heron (Capt. Jack & Jesse James)
How to work & live wherever and whenever you choose!
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